Thursday, February 2, 2012

School Magazine (RADIANCE)

School Magazine (RADIANCE)
The school magazine of Ryan International School named as RADIANCE is a book stating all the activities and accolades which the school students brought for school.
This year RADIANCE 2011 is the most precious one for me as well for my friend Amanjot as this year’s magazine contains a lot of achievement done by we both.

The most biggest and lifetime achievement of our’s is the ASTEROID DISCOVERY which we did on 6th Aug 2010 and became the first Asian school students to do it.
Press conference and award ceremony to felicitate us where done.
We both were on cloud 9 after hearing the news of this.We made proud our families,school,teachers,and importantly made India proud.

Our second achievement was the NASA Space Settlement Project organised by NASA Ames,USA.Our settlement project named PRATYUSH was awarded 1st prize in artistic merit and honarary mention in the technical report.

The photo describes the full page article on our discovery.

In this its about our NASA Space Settlement Project,we got in competition with 350 entries around the world.

My one of the dream is here which came true after my achievement of asteroid discovery.
My dream to go to NASA and DISNEY LAND once in my life and it came true when our school managing director Ms Grace Pinto gifted us a free trip to NASA to explore more things there and get to know about the recent projects they are working on.
It was a good experience there experience what the astronauts use to experience and get trainning of the different conditions.

Last but not the least the page of media accolades contains our news paper clippings.
This page is the most memorable for me.

The magazine is precious to me alot.

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